Health Insurance

Whether you are looking for Group Insurance or Individual Health Insurance, SIAA can help you find the right plan.

When good health is not guaranteed, you need something to help pay for costly medical bills. Health insurance plans offer assistance with medical bills, in-patient care, prescription drugs, and more. In return, the beneficiary pays a monthly premium and a deductible. The higher the premium, the lower the deductible.
Navigating the American health insurance scene can be tricky. Health insurance policies come in different forms and offer various health care coverage. Sometimes insurance is provided through your job; other times, you might have to buy a plan on your own.

The two types of health insurance are group insurance and individual insurance. A local health insurance agency with experienced agents or brokers can be helpful when deciding which plan is best.

Working with Southern Insurance & Annuities is


We help you find the right plan.

Our help is at no cost to you.

You pay your premium directly to the carrier.



Ready to get started?

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Group Insurance | Southern Insurance & Annuities | Statesboro, GA

Group Health Insurance

Group health insurance is a type of coverage provided to employees by their employers. When considering group health insurance, there are two types of these insurance policies. Some employers might offer level-funded plans, while others offer fully insured plans.

Level Funded Plan vs Fully Insured Plan

Level-funded group plans provided by a company are where the employer pays a set monthly amount to the insurance carrier for the policies. This payment covers the expenses for claims, premiums, and other costs.

Fully insured plans are more of the traditional route when insuring employees. The employer will pay a fixed premium to the insurance companies on behalf of their employees enrolled in the health plan.

Individual Health Insurance

If you are not employed, or your employer does not offer insurance, an individual health insurance plan might be a good fit. There are many factors to consider when choosing personal or individual insurance. When purchasing individual health insurance, the Health Insurance Marketplace and MediShare offer many affordable insurance options for individuals and families. We can help you find the plan that best fits your needs.

Temporary Catastrophic

Temporary catastrophic insurance is a policy that provides coverage with a high deductible but a low monthly rate. This type of insurance is beneficial to pay for large unexpected medical bills due to worst-case scenario injuries or illnesses.

Individual Health Insurance | Southern Insurance and Annuities

What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?

The health insurance marketplace is a place where you can shop for and compare prices on different individual health insurance policies. Federal or state governments may run these marketplaces; however, some are privately owned health insurance exchanges.

The Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of the Marketplace is that you can compare different policies while purchasing a plan. Not only will you have various insurance policies to choose from, but you may be able to find policies subsidized for your income and family size.
All plans offered on a marketplace are required to provide ten essential health benefits according to the Affordable care act. These plans include hospitalization, emergency, maternal, and lab care. Dental and vision care are offered in the Marketplace as well.
Purchasing from the Marketplace may provide advantages, such as complimentary services, decreased medicine costs, and possibly thousands saved in medical expenses if you stay in-network.


Who is eligible for coverage?

To be eligible to enroll in Marketplace health coverage, you must live in the United States, be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present), and not be incarcerated.
The only exception to these eligibility requirements are for those who are already enrolled in Medicare. If you are already enrolled in Medicare, you are not eligible to enroll in dental or health insurance from the Marketplace.

How to Enroll

When trying to enroll in marketplace insurance, there is a limit to when you can. Open enrollment begins on November 1 and ends on January 15. This period is both the federal open enrollment and the enrollment for Georgia specifically. Outside of this time, you may be able to enroll if you qualify for a particular enrollment period through a qualifying life event, such as job loss, marriage, the birth of a child, or moving out of your old coverage area.

You can enroll on your own directly through the marketplace, or you can just call us and we will help you find the best coverage for your needs.


November 1
November 1

Open Enrollment Begins

The first day you could enroll in, re-enroll in, or change a health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace® coverage could start as soon as January 1.

December 15
December 15

Last day to enroll in or change plans for coverage to start January 1.

January 1
January 1

Coverage Starts

for those who enrolled in or changed plans by December 15  and paid their first premium.

January 15
January 15

Last Day to Enroll

Last day to enroll in or change a health plan for the current year. After this date, you can enroll in or change plans only if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.

February 1
February 1

Coverage Starts

Current year coverage starts for those who enroll in or change plans December 16 through January 15 and pay their first premium.

Medi-Share | Southern Insurance and Annuities, Inc. | Statesboro, GA

Medishare is a non-profit, healthcare-sharing ministry where a Christian community comes together to assist other ministry members in sharing the cost of eligible medical expenses. Medi-share is not a health insurance company but an alternative to modern insurance for Christians.
With Medi-share, you will pay a monthly share every month, which will be matched to another member’s eligible medical bills. When you need assistance with your bills, you can post them on a secure online portal. You will know who you’re helping pay their medical bills every month.

Southern Insurance & Annuities | Statesboro, GA

Let us put our expertise to work for you.

For TWO YEARS we have been the top producer in the Healthcare Marketplace providing affordable healthcare to our clients in South East Georgia.

Now we want to help you find and get affordable health insurance.